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On Friday night, Marylanders from across the state joined us at our 30th Annual Red, White, and Blue Dinner. The event was a huge success and Secretary Mike Pompeo gave an incredible speech that received rave reviews from our guests. Thank you to those who attended and made it such a fantastic night and we hope that you join us at next year’s dinner. 
MDGOP Chairman Dirk Haire greets Secretary Pompeo at the Maryland Republican Party’s 30th Annual Red, White, and Blue Dinner. 
Secretary Pompeo enjoys dinner with Congressman Andy Harris and other guests. 
Secretary Pompeo delivers his speech at the Maryland Republican Party’s 30th Annual Red, White, and Blue Dinner. 
Guests from Western MD to the Eastern Shore came to the Maryland Republican Party’s 30th Annual Red, White, and Blue Dinner. 
Chairman Haire thanks Secretary Pompeo for his service to the USA and visiting Maryland Republicans
Our Party is funded by grassroots donors and organizers, without folks like you, we would not succeed as a party. If you have a few dollars to spare, chipping in now will help the Republican Party win our State and our Nation back in 2022. 

Jason Trott
Deputy Director
Maryland Republican Party
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