Meet MDGOP Secretary
Mark Uncapher
Mark Uncapher is serving his third term as Secretary of the Maryland Republican Party. Mark is a long-time party activist who previously served as the Chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee.
In his day job, Mark is the Director of the Fiber Optic Sensing Association and served on the Board of Directors for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. He is a member of the New York State and DC Bar and is a graduate of New York Law School and George Washington University. He previously was Counsel to the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information & Technology of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee. After serving on Capitol Hill, he was Senior Vice President and Counsel of the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA, later Tech America) and Vice President & Counsel at Stateside Associates. He was a member of Presidential Transition Team for the Federal Communication Commission in 2000-2001. Before moving to Maryland, he was an executive in New York with Park Communications, a large publicly-held newspaper and broadcasting company and Assistant Counsel to the New York State Comptroller.